SSB Electronics 1066-NF (MHP 600) Mast Mounted 6-Meter Preamps are extremely low-noise mast preamplifiers, suited for transmission pass-through up into the Kilowatt
range. Based on the LNA 600, the 1066-NF offers N-Type female connections and 2 high power coaxial relays.
Turning on the preamp is simply done by applying the operating voltage; after switching off the operating voltage, the MHP 600 is bridged for the transmit mode with a low 0.03 dB insertion loss.
The operating voltage is applied externally via Bias-T and a UHF (SO-239) socket placed in the middle between the N sockets on the preamp. It is absolutely necessary that a shielded cable such as
Model RG 58/U is used. The inner conductor has to be connected to the Plus (+) pole, and the shielding to the Minus (-) pole.
Technical Data
* Frequency range: 50-52 MHz
* Noise figure, typ.: 0.25 dB
* Amplification, typ.: 24 dB
* Admissible power: 1500W / SSB
* Insertion loss: 0.03 dB
* Operating voltage: 12V - 14V
* Current consumption, typ.: 420 mA
* Connection standard: N - female
* DC input connector: UHF - female
* Mast diameter: max. 58mm
Note: The 1066-NF has no RF self-protection circuit! Please pay attention to the delayed switching of the PA when transmitting! Use a sequencer!
Engineered in Germany, these SSB Electronics 1066-NF Mast Mounted 6-Meter Preamps are the Mercedes of 50 MHz preamplifiers. If you are a weak-signal SSB operator or an EME operator, then one
of these German preamps will definitely give you an edge.
Manufacturer's Website