204 Foot Long G5RV Antenna with Heavy Duty 450 Ohm Ladder Line - 1.8 - 54 MHz

HRO Discount Price: $179.95*


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G5RV-MAX-E Description     Hide

The RadioWavz G5RV MAX. antenna measures only 204 feet across the top for 160 meter - 6 meter operation, and is fed at the center through a low loss 450 Ohm twinlead feed-stub. The interaction between the radiating section and the feed-stub makes the G5RV MAX usually easy to match on all-bands from 160 meters through 6 meters with a good antenna tuner. An antenna tuner is required to make this antenna work on multiple bands.

This antenna is made with of high quality UV insulated 14 awg. stranded wire on the top and a heavy duty 450 Ohm twin lead. This 450 Ohm twin lead is made with heavy duty PVC made to last in the most inclement of environments. The twin lead terminates into a SO-239 connector.

Band width:       160 meters - 6 meters (With a tuner)
Antenna Width:    204 ft. end to end, 14 awg. UV insulated stranded wire. 
Antenna hight:    64 ft. 450 Ohm twin lead
Power:            1500 Watts
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