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Coaxial Dynamics 81000-A UHF

Coaxial Dynamics 81000-A UHF

RF Directional Wattmeter - UHF Connectors

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HRO Discount Price: $469.95*


*After Coupons & Promotions.

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81000-A UHF Description     Hide

Gives accurate RF Power measurement in 50 coaxial systems. Uses an internal line section and “Quick Match” plug in elements in the range of 0.1-10,000 watts full scale, and from 0.45 to 2300 MHz. Simply plug in the appropriate measuring element and select forward or reflected direction. Measured average RF power is indicated directly on the large 4.5? “taut-band” meter with three scale display. The meter is also mirrored and shock mounted to provide the most reliable and accurate readings. Strong shock-proof housing. With SO-239 connectors (Type-N female Special Order).
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