Wonder-Wand WW-WL750

Wonder-Wand WW-WL750

Wonder-Loop 750 - 7-50 MHz - 10W Tunable Compact Loop

HRO Discount Price: $164.95*


*After Coupons & Promotions.

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WW-WL750 Description     Hide


Tunable Contact Loop With The Following Features:

  • 22" Diameter self supporting loop when deployed
  • 7-50 MHz in two interlaced tuning ranges utilising our proprietary HLT Hybrid Loop Technology, new and unique to Wonder-Wand Antennas
  • Easy to use and store
  • Rig mounted for convenient operation
  • Fits in your pocket when packed down
  • Directional radiating pattern meaning you can null out unwanted signals.
  • High quality construction manufactured solely in the U.K.

This is a new unique design that employs a clever yet quirky tuning arrangement that gives the effect of two seperate tuning ranges, yet without physical switching!

The first frequency range is 7-18 MHz, then you simply turn the tuning control back and start again, but this time it starts at a secondary 18 MHz position. The remaining tuning range then continues right up to 52 MHz.

Simple to set up, attach the loop tuning unit directly to the transceiver's antenna socket (SO-239 or if different, use an appropriate adapter).

Next, straighten out the supplied copper loop wire, forming it into a circle, and attach each fork connector to the loop tuner's teminals.

Choose the desired band and tune the loop for maximum receive noise first and fine tune for best S.W.R.

Maximum Power: 10W
    Manufacturer's Website