The official source of DXCC information! Record the DXCC Entities you've worked and QSLed! This new edition includes a complete listing of DX Century Club rules including the latest changes and clarifications. It includes the current entity list, deleted entities, and recent DXCC Entity additions. Also included: a prefix cross-reference, the list of international call sign series, and much more. Descriptions of all DXCC awards are covered, and information about how to get numerous DXCC items, such as pins and plaques.
Product Details:
Softcover: 32 pages
Publisher: The American Radio Relay League, Inc.;
Copyright: 2018 edition/first printing
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-62595-084-0
Product Dimensions: 8 3/16 x 10 7/8 inches
Shipping Weight: .52 pounds
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