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Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur #1038

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Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur

Your Power Sources in the 21st Century


320 Pages of Full Color Photos and Illustrations!

Revolutionary changes are taking place in the way we produce and consume power for our homes, transportation, and the technology that we use every day. This book explores the ongoing changes in the world of power and energy, and takes a careful look at the choices we can make. Home solar or utility power? Oil/gas heat or electric heat pump? Gas car or hybrid/EV?

Energy Choices for the Radio Amateur details the author’s experiences with new sources of energy. It is intended to help other radio amateurs and DIY hobbyists prepare for the inevitable major energy decisions they will face — choices that can contribute to a reduction in fossil fuel use and save money in the long run. The concepts presented in this book not only satisfy everyday power requirements, but also can help prepare for emergency and backup power at home and in the field.

Chapters include:
  • The New World of Everyday Power (DC)
  • The Solar Power Revolution
  • Choosing Your Home Solar System
  • Solar DIY at Home and in the Field
  • New Energy Sources of Radio Frequency Interference (RFI)
  • Electrification of Transportation
  • Electric Vehicle DIY Projects
  • Conventional Backup and Emergency Power
  • High Voltage DC Emergency and Backup Power
  • The Powerwall and Grid Battery Storage for Home
  • Life’s Major Energy Milestones
  • Making the Switch to Clean Renewable Energy
  • Amateur Satellites and Thermal Energy Balance
  • How Our Energy Use Shapes Our World Today
Bob Bruninga, WB4APR, has had a lifelong interest in energy as well as Amateur Radio. In addition to developing the Automatic Packet Reporting System (APRS), his interest in energy technology has led him to embrace home solar, electric vehicles, heat pumps, and other advances that have greatly reduced his family’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Product Details

Softcover: 320 pages
Publisher: The American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Copyright: First edition, first printing (February 2019)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-62595-103-8
Product Dimensions: 7 1/2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.09 pounds

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