Sale ends 02/10/2025 at 11:59PM EST. No dealers. For a limited time & while supplies last. Limit 2 per customer. *After coupons & rebates.
HRO Discount Price: $44.95*
*After Coupons & Promotions.
This adapter allows you to add a Receive-Only SMA Antenna Connection to the Icom IC-7300. This easy to install plug-in modification requires no soldering and is easily installed and easily reversible. The RX7300 - SMA adapter can also be used for the insertion of accessory items into the receiver chain on the IC-7300 like the following:
When installed, the Icom IC-7300 will transmit using the SO-239 antenna connector, and received through one of the SMA Connectors on the RX7300 - SMA.
To use Icom IC-7300 in normal transceive operation, leave the RG-316 coax loop installed.