This new low-noise preamplifier for the 70 cm band represents a completely new development of SSB-Electronic.
This new preamplifier from SSB-Electronic has low noise (0.35 dB) while simultaneously offering high amplification (21 dB). Thus, it's ideal for use in EME, MS, Aurora and Tropo DX applications.
Also in contest operation this new LNA works very well because of its high IP3 value, which indicates high large signal immunity. The high selectivity guarantees trouble-free operation also in the vicinity of radio and other broadcast stations, such as mobile phone relays.
Large allowable maximum input levels make the amplifier insensitive to destruction by its own transmission signal; design emphasis was on high isolation between the relays of the switching system. An absolutely stable operation is the result, even with poor antenna matching (no spurious oscillation).
The power supply of the amplifier can be controlled by an external line or through the coaxial cable at the output of the amplifier (remote feeding). This model is equipped with SMA-Female connectors (photo shows Type N).