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KPC-9612XE With USB

HRO Discount Price: $449.95*


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KPC-9612XE USB Description     Hide


The Kantronics KPC-9612 EX is a versatile multi-port, multi-speed radio modem/TNC/data controller designed to fill many different roles, now and in the future. Capable of speeds up to 38.4 kbps, the KPC-9612 EX opens a new era in user flexibility and customization.

KPC-9612 EX Applications Include:

  • 'Keyboard to keyboard' communications
  • Send/Receive Files
  • Send/Receive Paging signals (POCSAG 512, 1200, 2400)
  • Digipeater
  • Personal Mail Box
  • Local area node
  • Remote control devices
  • Remote access
  • Node and Network node operations
  • BBS operations and message forwarding
  • GPS position transmitting and tracking (NMEA-0183 data required)
  • Data storage and retrieval
  • Weather facsimile reception (requires additional software)
  • EMWIN weather information (requires additional software)
  • 1200 <--> 9600 gateway operation
The KPC-9612 EX can be used in the field with a radio to form a mobile data terminal, or (with the addition of an external GPS receiver) a GPS mobile "tracker". Its broad supply voltage range (DC 5.5 V to 25 V) allows for maximum flexibility.

KPC-9612 EX 512K USB Features:

  • Dual port 1200/9600 bps operation, standard
  • Port 1 supports 1200 bps
  • Port 2 supports 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400 bps with DFSK modulation
  • "NEWUSER" mode provides a quick start for packet newcomers
  • Large capacity internal mailbox and mail forwarding feature
  • Multiple user mailbox flashes Mail lamp for up to 10 call signs
  • GPS operation mode allows use with APRS® or other geolocation software
  • Telemetry functions and Remote Control with two A/D inputs and two control line outputs
  • Paging transmit/receive capability -- POCSAG compatible
  • Faster HC11 Motorola® central processor
  • Digital audio drive control -- set from keyboard or by remote control
  • Low current requirements
  • Node and Network node functions standard "KA" Node and K-Net™
  • BBS, KISS, XKISS, HOST, TERMINAL, GPS and MODEM operating modes
  • Upgradeable as new firmware is released
  • "Online" HELP feature
  • 512k memory standard
  • Comes with data connector, data wire, coaxial power plug, detailed manual & basic software
  • Use with base, mobile or hand-held radios
  • Made in the USA -- Limited one year warranty to original purchaser
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