Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio 3rd Edition
Use Your Communication Skills to Help Keep Your Community Safe.
Storm spotting gives amateur radio operators another way to use their skills as communicators. In an average year, the US experiences more than 10,000 severe thunderstorms, 5,000 floods, and more than 1,000 tornadoes, often causing hundreds of injuries and deaths, as well as billions of dollars in damages. During these weather events, thousands of ham volunteers provide real-time information to partners like emergency management and forecasters at the National Weather Service. The information they get from hams helps them issue weather watches, warnings, and advisories. Storm Spotting and Amateur Radio can help you become one of those volunteers, providing ground-truth information when it is needed most.
Featured Topics:
- Safety
- Equipment and Resources
- Training
- Meteorology
- Hurricanes
- Storm Spotter Activation
New in this Edition:
- Lessons learned and response reports from the 2017 hurricane season
- Apps and social media resources
- New SKYWARN training requirements
- Expanded information on digital voice modes such a DMR, D-STAR, and Yaesu Fusion
Publication Details:
Softcover: 160 pages
Publisher: The American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Copyright: Third edition, First printing (October 2020)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-62595-141-0
Product Dimensions: 8 3/16 x 10 7/8 inches
Shipping Weight: .97 pounds