More Arduino for Ham Radio
More Arduino for Ham Radio introduces many of the new Arduino boards and add-on modules, followed by an overview of the software, tools, and techniques needed to bring projects to life. These concepts are put to work in 10 practical projects that showcase a wide variety of applications and include detailed descriptions of how the software “sketches” work. Each project is complete as-is, with ideas for you to add your own personal touches or create your own projects using the techniques and modules presented. That’s part of the fun of the Arduino and the Open Source community — building on the work of others in the community, and then giving it back for others to expand upon your work.
- Yaesu FH-2 Keypad
- Peltier Cooler Controller
- Rotator Turn Indicator
- Rotator Position Indicator
- Build Your Own AR-40 Rotator Controller
- Modified AR-40 Rotator Controller
- USB CW Keyboard
- Yaesu CAT Display
- CDE/HyGain Keypad Rotator Controller
- RTTY Reader
Glen Popiel, KW5GP, is a network engineer and consultant specializing in Open Source technology solutions. Glen has written numerous articles on computers and amateur radio, as well as ARRL’s Arduino for Ham Radio, More Arduino Projects for Ham Radio, and High Speed Multimedia for Amateur Radio.
Product Details:
Softcover: 384 pages
Publisher: The American Radio Relay League, Inc.
Copyright: First Edition, First Printing (2021)
Language: English
ISBN: 978-1-62595-147-2
Product Dimensions: 8 3/16 x 10 7/8 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.31 pounds