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Palomar Engineers BULLET-2006-100
Palomar Engineers-BULLET-2006-100-Image-1 Palomar Engineers-BULLET-2006-100-Image-2

Palomar Engineers BULLET-2006-100

Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna, 6M-20M 100 Watt 25 Feet

HRO Discount Price: $119.95*


*After Coupons & Promotions.

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BULLET-2006-100 Description     Hide

Bullet End Fed OCF Antenna System, 100 Watt 25 Feet, 20-17-15-12-11-10-6 Meters

Palomar's Unique End Fed Off Center Fed Antenna

Need a high performance, multi-band, stealthy antenna system that is easy to setup and use? Get the Bullet antenna matcher with the antenna wire, insulator and feed line choke all in one convenient package (great for HOA restricted areas, camping and portable operations too.)

Why is this end fed OCF antenna a better choice than and End Fed Half Wave (EFHW)? More bands, shorter length and no dangerous high voltage at antenna feed point from VOLTAGE FED 49:1 TRANSFORMERS!!!

Off Center Fed (OCF) antennas are very convenient as they will allow multiple bands of operation with a simple wire antenna which is fed off center. The Palomar Engineers 2006 OCF is a very popular antenna and consists of an off center fed dipole with wire dimensions of 25 feet and 7 feet and it will work all bands from 20-6 meters. The BULLET-2006 uses the same dimensions but the wire section is 25 feet as in the OCF and the coax outer braid is used for the “other” part of the OCF dipole. We place a choke on the coax at the 7 foot distance from the matching unit and we essentially have an OCF antenna with its great frequency range, but with only a 25 foot wire length instead of the 33 feet required by the regular OCF or 20 meter EFHW (and we get ALL the bands from 20-6 meters!). You feed the antenna from one end which may be more convenient for some installations. This antenna will work on 20-17-15-12-11-10 and 6 meters. Most bands are under 2:1 SWR and easily tuned by your transceiver’s internal antenna tuner or external tuner used with an amplifier.

This antenna is a great stealthy primary or backup antenna and works exceptionally well for apartments, condominiums, homeowner, mobile home parks, RV applications and ARES, RACES, MARS, EMCOMM, NVIS, First Responders and Emergency Preparedness. Compact, Stealthy and Light weight for back packing and portable use. Also works great with SOTA, POTA with a telescoping fiberglass pole support.

The antenna is simple to deploy, folds up easily for transport, and with the 25 foot included wire, can work the 20-6 meter bands easily with the built in antenna tuner of most current day transceivers. Some bands may not even require a tuner if the antenna length and counterpoise choke position is adjusted correctly. (see SWR graph in gallery).

These antennas are MUCH BETTER PERFORMERS than End Fed Half Wave antennas because they work the WARC bands, DO NOT HAVE A DANGEROUS HIGH VOLTAGE at the antenna connection and are shorter to fit in smaller spaces yet provide more band coverage up to 6 meters!

Make the right choice - use the BULLET-2006 and enjoy the expanded band coverage, additional safety and smaller footprint!


  • BULLET-2006-100 for 100 watts SSB/FT8

The antenna can be used as a up or down sloper, “L” with a vertical section (at either end) and a horizontal section, or as a horizontal antenna between two trees or supports.

BULLET Matching Unit

The Palomar Antenna Matching Network is called the “Bullet” because of it shape and its effectiveness at taking down or contacting distant (DX) stations all over the world under the right conditions.

For best results we recommend that the coax feed line be at least 25 feet. We also recommend a coax noise filter (part# CMNF-500-50 or CMNF-1500 for high power) near radio end of the coax feed line to reduce RFI common mode current from interfering with the radio operation.

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