The SDRplay RSP1B is an Enhanced Version of the popular RSP1A powerful wideband full featured 14-bit SDR which covers the RF spectrum from 1kHz to 2GHz. The RSP1B comes in a Ruggedized Black Painted Steel Case and has Significantly Improved Noise Performance.
All it needs is a computer and an antenna to provide excellent communications receiver functionality. It comes with a choice of SDRunoTM for Windows and Multiplatform SDRconnectTM SDR software for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Supplied Free of Charge by SDRplay). You can monitor up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time.
A documented API allows developers to create new demodulators or applications around the platform.
- New, enhanced version of the RSP1A in a rugged black painted steel case
- Improved noise performance below 1MHz and in the 3.5-5.5MHz, 50-60 MHz and 250-320MHz ranges
- Improved signal handling at HF frequencies.
- Covers all frequencies from 1kHz through VLF, LF, MW, HF, VHF, UHF and L-band to 2GHz, with no gaps
- Receive, monitor and record up to 10MHz of spectrum at a time
- 14-bit ADC silicon technology for excellent dynamic range
- Multiple high-performance preselect filters minimize phantom signal problems
- Software selectable AM/FM & DAB broadcast band notch filters minimise intermodulation problems from strong interferers
- Multiple individual receivers in any 10MHz slice of spectrum
- Free use of Windows-based SDRuno software (check website for versions supported)
- Free use of SDRconnect SDR and server software for Windows, MacOS and Linux (Check website for versions supported)
- Multiplatform driver and API support including Windows, Linux, Mac, Android and Raspberry Pi 4/5
- Powers over the USB cable with a simple, robust type B socket
- Software selectable 4.7V Bias-T for powering an external remote antenna amplifier
- Calibrated S meter/ RF power and SNR measurement
- Compatible with many 3rd Party software digital decoders
- Documented API provided to allow demodulator or application development on multiple platforms
- Strong and growing software support network
Amateur Uses:
- Shortwave radio listening
- Broadcast DXing (AM/FM/TV )
- Panadaptor
- Aircraft (ADS-B and ATC)
- Slow Scan TV
- Multi-amateur band monitoring
- WSPR & digital modes
- Weather fax (HF and satellite)
- Satellite monitoring
- Geostationary environmental satellites
- Trunked radio
- Utility and emergency service monitoring
- Fast and effective antenna comparison
Industrial Uses:
- Spectrum Analyser
- Surveillance
- Wireless microphone monitoring
- RF surveying
- IoT receiver chain
- Signal logging
- RFI/EMC detection
- Broadcast integrity monitoring
- Spectrum monitoring
- Power measurement
Educational & Scientific Uses:
- Teaching
- Receiver design
- Radio astronomy
- Passive radar
- Ionosonde
- Spectrum analyser
- Receiver for IoT sensor projects
- Antenna research
NEW SDRconnectTM SDR software for Windows, MacOS and Linux/Raspberry Pi:
- All new intuitive graphical interface launched in 2023
- Highly integrated native support for the SDRplay family on Windows, MacOS, and Linux/Rasberry Pi 4/5.
- Multiple ‘virtual receivers’ for simultaneous reception and demodulation of different types of signals within the same receiver bandwidth
- Multiple notch filters with BW adjustable to 1Hz
- Synchronous AM mode with selectable/adjustable
- Calibrated RF Power Meter with > 100dB of usable range
- Calibrated S-Meter supporting IARU S-Meter Standard
- Integrated server allows remote cross-platform access via high speed LAN and regular internet WAN connectivity
- “Audio” (Compact) mode allows limited bandwidth WAN connections with spectrum visibility up to 10MHz plus multimode audio access (AM/Wideband FM/SSB/CW etc)
- Rolling release model allows for future feature enhancements
- Modular approach for future 3rd party development
- Weight 315g
- Size: 98mm x 94mm x 35mm (case only)
- Low Current: 185 mA (excl bias T)
- Single 50Ω RF connector (SMA socket)*
- USB 2.0 (high speed) type B socket
Frequency Range:
- Continuous coverage 1kHz – 2GHz
ADC Characteristics:
- Sample frequency 2 – 10.66MSPS
- 14-bit native ADC (2 – 6.048MSPS)
- 12-bit (6.048- 8.064 MSPS)
- 10-bit (8.064- 9.216MSPS)
- 8-bit (> 9.216 MSPS)
Bias T:
- Software Selectable 4.7V @ 100mA
- High Temperature Stability (0.5ppm) TCXO
- In-field trimmable to 0.01ppm
Maximum recommended input power:
- 0dBm continuous, 10dBm for short periods
IF Modes:
- Zero IF, All IF bandwidths
- Low IF, IF bandwidths = 1.536MHz
IF Bandwidths (3dB):
- 200kHz
- 300kHz
- 600kHz
- 1.536MHz
- 5.0MHz
- 6.0MHz
- 7.0MHz
- 8.0MHz
Front End Filtering:
- Automatically configured front end filtering
Low Pass:
Band Pass:
- 2-12MHz
- 12-30MHz
- 30-60MHz
- 60-120MHz
- 120-250MHz
- 250-300MHz
- 300-380MHz
- 380-420MHz
- 420-1000MHz
High Pass:
Notch Filters:
- FM Filter: >50dB 85 – 100MHz
- MW Filter: >30dB 660 – 1550kHz
- DAB Filter: >30dB 165 – 230MHz
Note: The notch filters above are software selectable and remove specific broadcast bands.
* we recommend the use of an SMA (male) plug on a cable or “pigtail” - avoid large adapters like SMA to SO239 which may place too much strain on the SMA socket. Make sure the plug has a centre pin